
This is Adventures in Film Theory. Enter, if you dare. Or turn tail and run. In either case, the stink of these adventures is already on you.

There are No Words in Koyaanisquatsi (sick)

If you’re asking whether there are any movies that have no moving images, well, that doesn’t seem to make much sense. A movie without images is an audio track - or as Larry Barton pointed out, an audiobook. Your imagination makes the pictures!

If you’re asking whether there are movies that only have soundtracks and no dialogue, there’s some great ones. All praise to whomever!

So you’re in luck. A trilogy of AMAZING movies that only have music are Koyaanisqatsi, Powaqqatsi, and Naqoyqatsi.

Bro, these movies are presented by Francis Ford Coppola. Their soundtracks are composed by Phillip Glass. Yo-Yo Ma rubs his strings on part three of the trilogy.

What more do you want, bro?

Get on the Quatsi Train!

These movies explore, through imagery and music, the disconnect between Nature and Technology. Through wordless imagery, and no narration or hand-holding, the chasm between a human being of two hundred years ago (hence all of our evolutionary history) and the human being of today (smart phones, metropolises, international travel, holy fuck!).

These films make the challenges of technological civilization visceral, bro! They make it so you can feel it, bro! The challenges technology imposes on our humanity are just beginning, bro! So best get acquainted, bro!

Here’s the trailer for the first installment, bro! Koyaanisquatsi.

Life out of balance, bro!

Halle Berry: Worst African-American Female Oscar Winner in History? Yes, Obviously

The Spice Girls Movie, or How You Grow Some Hair on Your Nuts