The Bourne Trilogy.
Can anyone deny this? You’d have to be completely mad! Three great movies, but the third was the greatest.
The Bourne Identity: Rotten Tomatoes (RT) score, 83%
The Bourne Supremacy: RT score, 81%
And the third, The Bourn Ultimatum: RT score, 93%
Now I’m biased. The first two films should have been in the mid- to high- 90s, and the last should have been 110%.
I’ve watched all three films countless times. They never get boring. Each one is a perfect film, in the sense that there’s not a single second that need be taken out. No moments that drag (although after you’ve seen them as many times as I have, you fast-forward through some of the parts - hello, breaking dawn beach runs).
I’ve seen very few films that fit this criteria, much less three films in a row.
The third part of most trilogies is considered the worst. Full of missteps, and collapsing under their own success. Star Wars, The Matrix, The Godfather (the list goes on).
But damn, those Bourne movies: Bone-crunching fight scenes! Neck-snapping chases! Knee-cracking situation rooms! Eyeball-popping bureaucratic tensions! Shin-splitting international settings!
Also, forgot those movies that came after. They’re only meh….