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What Stars Wars Character Needs Their Own Movie?

Max Rebo of course!

These guys could jam in a way no other Star Wars band could. If they were good enough to play Jabba the Hutt’s lair, they’re good enough for a musician biography pic.

I could just see them hitting all the musician bio-pic notes.

Max Rebo, an Ortalan tried and true, grows up poor in Springberry, Orta, the Ortalan home planet.

During a deadly bobbing-for-songbird incident, Max Rebo accidentally drowns his more talented younger brother.

As a result, Max Rebo goes blind. But get this, his blindness allows him to hear the notes of the Ortalan keyboard in a way no player has before.

Max earns a living playing religious music in the temples of Ortalan worship, which are scandalized when he uses the tempos, melodies, and rhythms for a more popular, interplanetary style of music.

He is ostracized, but records a hit song.

Young and hungry, he has the world at his feet. He goes through a destructive, ego-driven moment of sex, drugs, and rock and roll.

And then he is redeemed by a beautiful woman. Her name is Sly Snootles, a Pa’lowick beauty with a song as soft as satin, legs that go all the way up, and a snout that rivals a trumpet.

At long last he writes his most definitive song, and dies fulfilled, having reached a far greater depth of spirituality, complexity, and understanding of the alien condition. He is a wise, old man.

Light years (and a galaxy) far, far away from the young pop star he once was.

Is Killing a Kid Okay in Movies?

There Will Be Blood: What Does it Mean?